Monday, December 17, 2007

ron paul

Ron Paul videos really are different. This one,Ron Paul Girl -
Register Now, was apparently produced a couple of months ago, but it
really is one of the odder videos of the year. And there's many more
by the "Ron Paul Girl".
Wow. What a day! and it's not really even
over.. there is plenty of analysis to do, questions to answer, updates
to make. But here are some preliminary numbers (subject to change in
minor ways): raised online: $623995 ...
While it would have been nice
to have seen more interest on the part of Republican candidates, the
fact that Ron Paul was the sole GOP contender to address the
conference didn't bother me at all, since he is my candidate! ...
single-minded that they don't seem to realize that they believe
opposite things--it makes one wonder whether they really do understand
Monetary Policy as much as they think they do. I guess my preference
is this side of Ron Paul's: ...
The Ron Paul movement is a movement to
tackle this very same unfinished business that President Kennedy tried
to deal with. For it is not enough, to just trim around the rough
edges of bad, destructive policy and continue to live under
Establishment, is induced by the rEVOLution's correlation of
forces to invite Ron Paul on Meet the Press next Sunday, way out of
his planned order. In fact, he thought he would never have to ask
Stay updated on the Ron Paul campaign by visiting the Daily
Paul. Keep track of fund raising at Ron Paul Graphs. Join your local
Ron Paul meetup. Purchase campaign materials from Ron Paul Grassroots
Presidential candidate Ron Paul is on course to smash the record
for fundraising in one day and is likely to make anything up to $7
million dollars by midnight as donors flood the campaign coffers on
Tea Party day. ...
Presidential candidate Ron Paul is on course to
smash the record for fundraising in one day and is likely to make
anything up to $7 million dollars by midnight as donors flood the
campaign coffers on Tea Party day. ...
Despite the fact that he has
never met Ron Paul, he was profiled by Dan Morain at the Los Angeles
Times as man behind Paul's fundraising curtain who helped the
Republican candidate raise millions in online donations. ...
The Ron
Paul movement is a movement to tackle this very same unfinished
business that President Kennedy tried to deal with. For it is not
enough, to just trim around the rough edges of bad, destructive policy
and continue to live under ...
Presidential candidate Ron Paul is on
course to smash the record for fundraising in one day and is likely to
make anything up to $7 million dollars by midnight as donors flood the
campaign coffers on Tea Party day. ...
Jim Cramer is the probably the
most crazy and rational man on CNBC, and Ron Paul holds a similar
position in politics. Last night on CNBC's Mad Money, the two spent
seven minutes trashing the Federal Reserve. Regardless of whether you
Ron Paul, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination,
for seeking to make market manipulation by the Federal Reserve into a
campaign issue. Paul commented that the Fed is 'more secretive than
the CIA,' adding that no one ...
Supporters of Republican presidential
contender Ron Paul rallied Monday and injected more than $3 million
into his campaign in just 24 hours, according to this ABC News report.
Ronpaul. The amount looks to be a record number for the ...
Ron Paul
wants to make Social Security and Medicare solvent by reducing what we
spend on overseas military operations in more than a hundred countries
around the globe and using that money to fund our own safety-net
programs. ...
Ron Paul, a candidate for the Republican presidential
nomination, for seeking to make market manipulation by the Federal
Reserve into a campaign issue. Paul commented that the Fed is 'more
secretive than the CIA,' adding that no one ...